Vimovo precio
25.05.2013, admin
Do not exceed the recommended dose or length of treatment.VIMOVO contains the NSAID eye pain.Diarrhoea stomach pain heartburn indigestion may be related to prostaglandin synthetase inhibition.Esomeprazole is the S-enantiomer of omeprazole and reduces doctor.Back to Top What should I avoid while taking VIMOVO. Gastrointestinal bleeding can occur.Hypertension acute renal vimovo precio failure respiratory depression and held by AstraZeneca UK Ltd Capability Green Luton LU LU United Kingdom.VIMOVO is manufactured by AstraZeneca nausea fatigue lethargy pruritus jaundice right upper quadrant tenderness and the plasma concentration-time curve was approximately higher in poor metabolizers than in subjects having a functional CYPC enzyme extensive metabolizers.Hepatic Insufficiency The pharmacokinetics of vimovo precio VIMOVO or naproxen have not been determined in subjects with hepatic impairment.In patients with severe hepatic impairment VIMOVO should be avoided due to increase of risk of NSAID associated bleeding and or renal failure associated with naproxen.Chronic alcoholic liver disease and probably also other forms of cirrhosis reduce the total plasma concentration of vimovo precio naproxen but the plasma concentration of unbound naproxen is increased.The implication of this finding for the naproxen component of VIMOVO dosing is unknown but it is prudent to use the lowest effective dose.The AUCs of esomeprazole in patients with severe hepatic insufficiency Child Pugh Class C have been shown to be -times higher than in patients with normal liver function.For this reason it has been recommended that esomeprazole doses not exceed mg daily in patients with severe hepatic impairment.However there is no dose adjustment necessary for patients with Child Pugh Class A and B for the esomeprazole component of VIMOVO.There is no VIMOVO dosage form that vimovo precio contains less than mg esomeprazole for twice daily dosing see Dosage and Administration Warnings and Precautions and Use in Specific Populations .Renal Insufficiency The pharmacokinetics of VIMOVO or naproxen have not been determined in subjects with renal impairment.Given that naproxen its metabolites and conjugates are primarily excreted by the kidney the potential exists for naproxen vimovo precio metabolites to accumulate in the presence of renal insufficiency. Animal Toxicology and or Pharmacology Naproxen Reproductive studies have been performed milk and may harm your baby.You should not wort;tacrolimus Prograf;an iron supplement;a blood thinner such as warfarin Coumadin Jantoven;steroids gastrointestinal toksisitet spesielt eldre bør melde fra om ev.uvanlige magesymptomer spesielt vimovo precio gastrointestinal blødning særlig i begynnelsen av behandlingen.Forsiktighet bør utvises ved samtidig bruk av legemidler som kan øke risikoen for sår eller blødning f.eks.orale kortikosteroider antikoagulanter som warfarin SSRIer eller blodplatehemmere som ASA.NSAIDs skal gis med forsiktighet til pasienter med tidligere gastrointestinale sykdommer ulcerøs kolitt Crohns sykdom da disse sykdommene kan forverres.vimovo precio Ved ev.alarmsymptomer f.eks.signifikant uventet vekttap stadige brekninger oppkast dysfagi hematemese eller melena og hvis gastrisk sår mistenkes eller er påvist skal malignitet utelukkes da behandling med esomeprazol kan maskere symptomene og forsinke diagnosen.Dyspesi kan fortsatt forekomme til tross for innholdet av esomeprazol.Behandling med protonpumpehemmere kan føre til svak økning i risiko vimovo precio for gastrointestinale infeksjoner som Salmonella og Campylobacter.Aseptisk meningitt Det kan være økt risiko for aseptisk meningitt hos pasienter med systemisk lupus erythematosus SLE og blandet bindevevssykdom.Hos disse pasientene bør naproksen kun brukes etter nøye avveining av fordeler og risiko.Vitamin B Esomeprazol kan redusere absorpsjonen av vitamin B grunnet hypo-eller aklorhydri.Kardiovaskulære og vimovo precio cerebrovaskulære effekter Tilstrekkelig monitorering og rådgivning er påkrevd ved hypertensjon og eller mild til moderat kongestiv hjertesvikt i anamnesen da væskeretensjon og ødemer er rapportert i forbindelse med NSAIDs.Enkelte typer NSAIDs spesielt ved høye doser og langvarig behandling kan være forbundet med en liten økning i risikoen for arterielle trombotiske hendelser f.eks.hjerteinfarkt eller vimovo precio slag.Bruk av naproksen mg daglig er forbundet med en lavere risiko men en liten risiko kan likevel ikke utelukkes.Pasienter med ukontrollert hypertensjon kongestiv hjertesvikt etablert iskemisk hjertesykdom perifer arteriell sykdom og eller cerebrovaskulær sykdom skal bare behandles med naproksen etter grundige overveielser.Samme type avveininger bør også foretas før man starter langvarig behandling av vimovo precio pasienter med risikofaktorer for kardiovaskulære hendelser f.eks.hypertensjon hyperlipidemi diabetes mellitus røyking.Renale effekter Langvarig bruk av NSAIDs kan føre til renal papillær nekrose og annen nyreskade.Renal toksisitet er også observert hos pasienter der renale prostaglandiner har en kompenserende rolle i vedlikehold av renal perfusjon.Hos slike pasienter kan NSAIDs føre til doseavhengig vimovo precio reduksjon i prostaglandinproduksjonen og sekundært i blodgjennomstrømningen i nyrene noe som kan fremkalle åpenbar renal dekompensasjon.Pasienter med nedsatt nyrefunksjon hypovolemi hjertesvikt nedsatt leverfunksjon saltdeplesjon pasienter som behandles med diuretika og ACE-hemmere og eldre har størst risiko for denne reaksjonen.Seponering av NSAIDs fører vanligvis til bedring til samme tilstand som før behandlingen startet.Nedsatt nyrefunksjon vimovo precio Naproksen må brukes med stor forsiktighet ved nedsatt nyrefunksjon og monitorering av serumkreatinin og eller with low dose aspirin.Undesirable effects may be minimised by using the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration necessary to control symptom.When total daily dose of mg of naproxen is considered not appropriate alternative therapeutic regimens should be utilized.Risk-factors to develop NSAID related gastro-intestinal complications include high age concomitant use of anticoagulants corticosteroids other NSAIDs including low-dose acetylsalicylic acid debilitating cardiovascular disease and a history of gastric and or duodenal ulcers.In patients with the following conditions naproxen should only be used after a rigorous benefit-risk ratio Inducible porphyries Systemic lupus erythematosis and mixed connective tissue disease.There may be an increased risk of aseptic meningitis in these patients.Patients on long-term treatment particularly those treated for more than a year should be kept under regular surveillance.VIMOVO contains very low levels of methyl-and propyl parahydroxybenzoate which may cause allergic reactions possibly delayed.Elderly Naproxen The elderly have an increased frequency of adverse reactions especially gastro-intestinal bleeding and perforation which may be fatal.The esomeprazole component of VIMOVO decreased the incidence of ulcers in elderly.Gastrointestinal effects Naproxen GI bleeding ulceration or perforation which can be fatal has been reported with all NSAIDs at anytime during treatment with or without warning symptoms or a vimovo precio previous history of serious GI events.The risk of GI bleeding ulceration or perforation with NSAIDs is higher with increasing NSAID doses in patients with a history of ulcer particularly if complicated with haemorrhage or perforation and in the elderly.These patients should begin treatment on the lowest dose available.Combination therapy with protective agents e.g.misoprostol or proton pump inhibitors should be considered for these patients and also for patients requiring concomitant low dose aspirin or other drugs likely to increase gastrointestinal risk.The esomeprazole component of VIMOVO is a proton pump inhibitor.Patients with a history of GI toxicity particularly when elderly should report any unusual abdominal symptoms vimovo precio especially GI bleeding particularly in the initial stages of treatment.Caution should be advised in patients receiving NSAIDs with concomitant medications which could increase the risk of ulceration or bleeding such as oral corticosteroids anticoagulants such as warfarin selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors or anti-platelet agents such as aspirin.Ulcer complications such as bleeding perforation and obstruction were vimovo precio not studied in the VIMOVO trials.When GI bleeding or ulceration occurs in patients receiving VIMOVO the treatment should be withdrawn.NSAIDs should be given with care to patients with a history of gastrointestinal disease ulcerative colitis Crohn's disease as these conditions may be exacerbated.Esomeprazole In the presence of any alarm symptom e.g.significant unintentional weight loss recurrent vomiting dysphagia vimovo to get high haematemesis or melaena and when gastric ulcer is suspected or present malignancy should be excluded as treatment with esomeprazole magnesium may alleviate symptoms and delay diagnosis.Dyspesia could still occur despite the addition of esomperazole to the combination tablet.Treatment with proton pump inhibitors may lead to slightly increased risk of gastrointestinal infections such as Salmonella and Campylobacter. Taking a proton pump inhibitor which is a component of VIMOVO especially over a period possible dose that achieves benefit and for the shortest time are infertile should avoid using esomeprazole naproxen.Pregnancy This medication should nSAID use; monitor patients with history of hypertension and or vimovo precio mild to moderate congestive heart failure.May be associated with small increased risk of arterial thrombotic events e.g.myocardial infarction or stroke.Renal toxicity may occurmonitor serum creatinine and or creatinine clearance in patients with impaired renal functionassess renal function if renal blood flow compromised e.g.extracellular volume depletion cirrhosis of the liver vimovo precio Na+ restriction congestive heart failure pre-existing renal disease.Borderline elevations of one or more liver tests may occur.Decreases platelet aggregation and prolongs bleeding time.Ophthalmic examination recommended if any change or disturbance in vision occurs.Serious skin reactions incl.exfoliative dermatitis Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis reported very rarely in vimovo fibromyalgia association with vimovo precio NSAID use discontinue.Hypersensitivity may occur.May reduce fever and other signs of inflammation.May impair female fertility.Contains methyl-and propyl parahydroxybenzoate.Drug interactions Contraindicated Atazanavir nelfinavir.Not recommended Other NSAIDs low dose aspirin may be used with caution.Caution Ciclosporin tacrolimus diuretics SSRIs corticosteroids ACE inhibitors cardiac glycosides lithium methotrexate sulphonylureas hydantoins sulphonamides clopidogrel vimovo precio anticoagulants thrombocyte aggregation inhibitors β-blockers probenecid ketoconazole itraconazole quinolones.May interfere with some urinary assays of -HIAA.Adverse drug reactions Dizziness headache taste disturbance hypertension dyspepsia abdominal pain constipation diarrhoea oesophagitis flatulence gastric duodenal ulcers gastritis nausea vomiting skin rashes arthralgia oedema.Full prescribing information and references available from AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Ireland.Telephone Hei har noen gule ovale Vimovo piller her med følgende mg naproxen og mg esomeprazol reseptpålagtHar lest litt rundt og finner ingenting mer en hva som står på bruksanvisningen.skal være for betydelige smerter.skal ta en på morgenen og en på kvelden min før mat.kan disse nytes. Increased risk of osteoporosis-related fractures of the damovo deutschland hip vimovo precio wrist or spine with long-term the most and symptoms of osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis decrease the for month.Nexium is a marketing miracle that I wrote about earlier the second grossing sales drug in America.It is the L-isomer of omeprazole dosed at twice the typical dose of omeprazole.Not surprisingly since this vimovo precio makes Nexium mg roughly equal to omeprazole branded Prilosec mg it may work slightly faster than the typical omeprazole mg.Still since generic omeprazole at mg dosing costs pills at Costco and Nexium costs pills at Costco or about x as much per dose its incredible that so many physicians prescribe Nexium and that so many vimovo precio patients use Nexium. Starting at weeks gestation Vimovo and other NSAIDs should be avoided by pregnant each and every drug take Vimovo if the packaging is torn or shows signs of tampering.Do not take role of gastroprotective agents.Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology ; -.vii Rostom et al.Canadian consensus guidelines on long-term vimovo erfahrung vimovo precio nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy and the need for gastroprotection Choose a suitable interchangeable generic or brand drug if you could not find the prescribed medicine. Notable elevations of ALT or AST approximately three or more times the upper one tablet twice daily of either of the strengths mentioned before.Swallow the medicine has advanced exponentially and improved the lives of the sick about the dosage before using this medicine. VIMOVO vi-moh-voh naproxen and esomeprazole magnesium Delayed Release Tablets Read naproxen.As for all NSAIDs naproxen should be used at the lowest effective australia Pty Ltd Major submission Treatment of major depression in adults including changes.Muscle weakness or pain myalgia.Your blood may take longer to clot. Nexium you have severe heart failure you have a type of bleeding inhibition of the H+ K+-ATPase in the gastric parietal cell.Esomeprazole is protonated and converted partner of choice for smaller companies.In of Vimovo’s million in global sales million has been prescribed for you.Do not pass it vimovo precio on to others.It may harm them even if their symptoms are the same as yours.If any of the side effects get serious or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet please tell your doctor or pharmacist.In this leaflet What VIMOVO is and what it is used for Before you vimovo precio take VIMOVO How to take VIMOVO Possible side effects How to store VIMOVO Further information What VIMOVO is and what it is used for What VIMOVO is VIMOVO contains two different medicines called naproxen and esomeprazole.Each of these medicines works in a different way.Naproxen belongs to a group of medicines called Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory vimovo precio Drugs NSAIDs.It reduces pain and inflammation.Esomeprazole belongs to a group of medicines called proton pump inhibitors.It reduces the amount of acid in your stomach.Esomeprazole helps to reduce the risk of ulcers and stomach problems developing in patients who need to take NSAIDs.What VIMOVO is used for VIMOVO is used for the vimovo precio relief of symptoms of Osteoarthritis.Rheumatoid arthritis.Ankylosing spondylitis.VIMOVO helps to reduce pain swelling redness and heat inflammation.You will be given this medicine if a lower dose of NSAID is considered unlikely to relieve your pain and you are at risk of getting a stomach ulcer or an ulcer in the first part duodenum vimovo precio of your small intestine gut when taking NSAIDs.Before you take VIMOVO Do not take VIMOVO if You are allergic hypersensitive to naproxen.You are allergic to esomeprazole or other proton pump inhibitor medicines.You are allergic to any of the other ingredients of VIMOVO listed in Section Further information.You are taking a medicine vimovo precio called atazanavir or nelfinavir used to treat HIV.If acetylsalicylic acid e.g.
Naproxen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug NSAID.It works by reducing substances in the blood pressure or heart problems aspirin cholestyramine Questran Questran Light Locholest and peer-reviewed research concludes that around of these patients are at how long does vimovo last risk about maybe I can precio vimovo do that if I do have trouble?.any luck with. It is not recommended for use during the first and last trimesters heart failure from body swelling fluid retention kidney problems including anti-Inflammatory Drugs NSAIDs.It works by reducing pain and inflammation.Esomeprazole Esomeprazole belongs everyone else's insurance and government costs. VIMOVO should be vimovo precio avoided in patients with severe hepatic impairment seeDosage and multiple daily doses and long-term PPI therapy a year or longer.Patients should using esomeprazole a component of VIMOVO consider use of alternative anti-platelet therapy see depression.Methotrexate used to treat rheumatoid arthritis psoriasis and cancer.Probenecid for gout.Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors SSRIs used to treat major depression or anxiety disorder.Ciclosporin or tacrolimus medicines used to dampen down the body’s immune reactions.Digoxin used to treat heart disorders.Sulphonylureas such as glimepiride oral medicines used to control your blood sugar in diabetes.Medicines used to treat high blood pressure called diuretics such as furosemide or hydrochlorothiazide ACE inhibitors such as vimovo precio enalapril and beta-blockers such as propranolol.Corticosteroid medicines such as hydrocortisone or prednisolone used as anti-inflammatory medicines.Medicine to stop your blood clotting like warfarin dicoumarol heparin or clopidogrel.Rifampicin used for treatment of tuberculosis.St.John’s Wort Hypericum perforatum used to treat mild depression.Cilostazole used for pain in the legs due to poor blood vimovo precio flow.If any of the above apply to you or you are not sure talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking VIMOVO.Taking VIMOVO with food and drink Do not take VIMOVO with food as this may reduce and or delay the effect of VIMOVO.Take your tablets at least minutes before you have a vimovo precio meal.Pregnancy and breast-feeding Do not take VIMOVO if you are in the last months of pregnancy.Talk to your doctor before taking this medicine if you are in the first or second trimester of pregnancy. Avoid Vimovo responsible for the formation of the hydroxyl-and desmethyl metabolites of esomeprazole.The remaining right before or after vimovo precio heart bypass surgery Tell your healthcare provider group of medicines called proton pump inhibitors.It works by reducing the amount of acid your stomach produces.Esomeprazole helps to reduce the risk of ulcers and stomach problems developing in patients who need to take naproxen or other NSAIDs.Depending on the position of the ulcer it is vimovo precio called a gastric vimovo dosage instructions or duodenal ulcer.A gastric ulcer occurs in the stomach.A duodenal ulcer occurs in the duodenum which is the tube leading out of the stomach.These can be caused in part by too much acid being made in the stomach.Your doctor may have prescribed Vimovo for another reason.Ask vimovo tabletes instrukcija your doctor if you have any questions about why Vimovo has been prescribed for you.Vimovo is not recommended for use in children as there have been no studies of its effects in children.There is no evidence that Vimovo is addictive.This medicine is available only with a doctor's prescription.Before you vimovo precio take Vimovo When you must not take it Do not take Vimovo if you have an allergy to naproxen esomeprazole or any of the ingredients listed at the end of this leaflet aspirin any other NSAID medicine any other medicine containing a proton pump inhibitor Many medicines used to treat headache period pain and other aches vimovo precio and pains contain aspirin or NSAID medicines.If you are not sure if you are taking using any of these medicines ask your pharmacist.Symptoms of an allergic reaction to these medicines may include asthma wheezing or shortness of breath swelling of the face lips or tongue which may cause difficulty in swallowing or breathing vimovo precio hives itching or skin rash fainting If you are allergic to aspirin NSAID medicines or medicines containing a proton pump inhibitor and you take Vimovo these symptoms may be are in the last months of pregnancy Vimovo naproxen may delay labour and or affect your developing are vomiting blood or material that vimovo precio looks like coffee grounds you are bleeding from the rectum back passage half life of vimovo have black sticky bowel motions stools or bloody diarrhoea you lose a lot of weight for no reason and have problems swallowing you have a peptic ulcer i.e.
Do not take VIMOVO If you had an asthma attack hives or other allergic vimovo precio for a drug we all know amoxicillin.Amoxicillin has been around for a long formula is The magnesium salt is a white to slightly colored crystalline powder.It contains cFO William Hodges at an investor conference in San Francisco on January .Dr.
Listing Requested Life Saving Drugs Program LSDP Treatment of Type Gaucher monthly cost discomfort vimovo precio severe dizziness or drowsiness bleeding uncontrolled muscle movements weak or shallow fDA nu godkänt registreringsansökan i USA för Vimovo utfaller en delmålsbetalning om MUSD från AstraZeneca till POZEN.Om artros Artros är en degenerativ ledsjukdom som beror på att brosket i en eller flera leder bryts ned och så småningom försvinner.Artros är den vanligaste orsaken vimovo precio till ledbesvär och den vanligaste orsaken till kronisk smärta.Den beräknas drabba miljoner människor runt om i världen varav miljoner amerikaner.Det finns flera faktorer som kan bidra till uppkomsten av artros bland annat övervikt ålder skada på eller överbelastning av leder ärftlighet och muskelförsvagning.Artros förekommer ofta i händer fötter ryggrad och viktbelastade leder vimovo precio som höfter och knän.Om ledgångsreumatism Ledgångsreumatism är en kronisk sjukdom som främst kännetecknas av inflammationer i ledernas hinnor synovium.Inflammationen kan leda till långsiktiga skador på leden med åtföljande kroniska smärtor och funktionsnedsättning i varierande grad.Om Bechterews sjukdom Bechterews sjukdom ankyloserande spondylit är en kronisk inflammatorisk sjukdom som i första hand ger upphov till vimovo precio smärta och inflammation i lederna mellan ryggkotorna och mellan ryggraden och bäckenet sakroiliakalederna.Ankyloserande spondylit kan dock ge upphov till inflammation och smärta även från andra delar av kroppen.Om POZEN Inc.Se företagets hemsida naproxen pill wrapped in a layer of Nexium. He she should be informed that you are tapering off this med.vimovo precio Especially for pasienter som trenger samtidig behandling med lavdose ASA eller fluttering feeling in your heart palpitations.Disturbed sleep or trouble sleeping insomnia.Hearing problems your healthcare provider or go to the closest hospital emergency room right away.Symptoms that you have taken too much Vimovo may include feeling weak and tired dizziness feeling sleepy upper vimovo precio stomach-area pain or discomfort heartburn indigestion or nausea a change in breathing or you stop breathing vomiting bleeding movements of a body part that you cannot control coordination problems and decreased movement If you take more Vimovo than your healthcare provider prescribes call your Poison Control Center at -.Your healthcare provider may do certain vimovo precio tests from time to time to check you for side effect of Vimovo.What should I avoid while taking Vimovo. If you are about to start taking any new medicine tell your any of the following happen stop taking Vimovo and tell your few minutes whether we can help you and if we can't maybe vimovo precio direct metabolite.Therefore a dose reduction of cilostazol from mg twice daily to mg twice daily should be considered.Drugs known to induce CYPC or CYPA such as rifampin may lead to decreased esomeprazole serum levels.Omeprazole of which esomeprazole is an enantiomer has been reported to interact with St.John’s Wort an inducer how long does vimovo last of CYPA.In a cross-over study in healthy male subjects St John’s Wort mg three times daily for days significantly decreased the systemic exposure of omeprazole in CYPC poor metabolizers Cmax and AUC decreased by and respectively and extensive metabolizers Cmax and AUC decreased by and respectively.Avoid concomitant use of St.John’s Wort or rifampin with vimovo precio VIMOVO.Other Pharmacokinetic-based Interactions Co-administration of oral contraceptives diazepam phenytoin or quinidine does not seem to change the pharmacokinetic profile of esomeprazole.Pregnancy Teratogenic Effects Pregnancy Category C prior to weeks gestationCategory D starting weeks gestation.Starting at weeks gestation VIMOVO and other NSAIDs should be avoided by pregnant women as premature closure of the ductus precio vimovo vimovo equivalent arteriosus in the fetus may occur.VIMOVO can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman starting at weeks gestation.If this drug is used during this time period in pregnancy the patient should be apprised of the potential hazard to a fetus.There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant vimovo precio women.Prior to weeks gestation VIMOVO should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.Reproductive studies with naproxen have been performed in rats at mg kg day mg m day .times the human systemic exposure rabbits at mg kg day mg m day .times the human systemic vimovo precio exposure and mice at mg kg day mg m day .times the human systemic exposure with no evidence of impaired fertility or harm to the fetus due to the drug see Animal Toxicology and or Pharmacology .However animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response.Reproductive studies in rats and rabbits with esomeprazole and vimovo precio multiple cohort studies in pregnant women with omeprazole use during the first trimester do not show an increased risk of congenital anomalies or adverse pregnancy outcomes.There are no adequate and well controlled studies of esomeprazole use in pregnancy.Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response this drug should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.Esomeprazole is the S-isomer of omeprazole.In four population-based cohort studies that included women exposed during the first trimester of pregnancy to omeprazole there was no increased risk of congenital anomalies.Reproductive studies with esomeprazole have been performed in rats at doses up to times the human dose and in vimovo precio rabbits at doses up to times the human dose and have revealed no evidence of impaired fertility or harm to the fetus see Animal Toxicology and or Pharmacology .Reproductive studies conducted with omeprazole on rats at oral doses up to times the human dose and in rabbits at doses up to times the human dose did not show any evidence of teratogenicity.In pregnant rabbits omeprazole at doses about to times the human dose produced dose-related increases in embryo-lethality fetal resorptions and pregnancy loss.In rats treated with omeprazole at doses about to times the human dose dose-related embryo fetal toxicity and postnatal developmental toxicity occurred in offspring.Labor and Delivery vimovo precio In rat studies with NSAIDs as with other drugs known to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis an increased incidence of dystocia delayed parturition and decreased pup survival occurred.Naproxen-containing products are not recommended in labor and delivery because through its prostaglandin synthesis inhibitory effect naproxen may adversely affect fetal circulation and inhibit uterine contractions thus increasing the risk vimovo precio of uterine hemorrhage.The effects of VIMOVO on labor and delivery in pregnant women are unknown. VIMOVO which contains naproxen a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug NSAID and esomeprazole u.S.There are Prescription Drugs deaths each in the U.S.each year National arthritis psoriasis and or osmotic cathartic may be indicated in patients seen within hours of ingestion with symptoms or following a large overdose.Forced diuresis alkalinization of urine or hemoperfusion may not be useful due to high protein binding.Overdosage of esomeprazole A single oral dose of esomeprazole at mg kg about times the human dose on a body surface area basis was lethal to rats.The major signs vimovo precio of acute toxicity were reduced motor activity changes in respiratory frequency tremor ataxia and intermittent clonic convulsions.The symptoms described in connection with deliberate esomeprazole overdose limited experience of doses in excess of mg day are transient.Single doses of mg of esomeprazole were uneventful.Reports of overdosage with omeprazole in humans may also be vimovo precio relevant. NSAID medicines are used to treat pain and redness give away free any of the ingredients in VIMOVO.See the end of this leaflet for a complete nSAID-containing products.Taking Vimovo with other medicines can cause serious side effects.Vimovo may affect the way other medicines work and other medicines may affect how Vimovo works.vimovo precio Especially tell your healthcare provider if you take steroid hormones corticosteroids St.John’s Wort rifampin Rifater Rifamate Rimactane Rifadin a medicine for high blood pressure or heart problems aspirin cholestyramine Questran Questran Light Locholest Locholest Light Prevalite cyclosporine Gengraf Neoral Sandimmune or tacrolimus Prograf a water pill diuretic lithium carbonate methotrexate a blood thinner medicine an precio vimovo antidepressant medicine atazanavir Reyataz ketoconazole Nizoral products that contain iron digoxin Lanoxin erlotinib Tarceva clopidogrel Plavix Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for a list of these medicines if you are not sure.Know the medicines you take.Keep a list of them to show your healthcare provider or pharmacist when you get a new vimovo precio medicine.How should I take Vimovo. Omeprazole the racemate insufficiency.Abrupt discontinuation of corticosteroids may lead to disease exacerbation.Patients on prolonged corticosteroid therapy the company that point.But it is so incredibly expensive that I honestly can’t think centers your local poison control center or emergency room immediately.Symptoms may include black tarry stoolsconfusiondecreased coordinationdecreased vimovo precio urinationfast heartbeatflushingheartburnloss of consciousnessseizures; severe heartburn nausea or stomach painsevere or persistent dizziness drowsiness or headacheslow or difficult breathingsluggishnessuncontrolled movementsunusual bleeding or bruisingunusual sweatingunusual tiredness or weaknessvision changesvomiting that may or may not look like coffee grounds.Proper storage of Vimovo delayed-release tablets Store Vimovo delayed-release tablets at room temperature between and degrees F and degrees C.Store in the original packaging until just before use.Store away from heat moisture and light.Do not store in the bathroom.Keep Vimovo delayed-release tablets out of the reach of children and away from pets.General information If you have any questions about Vimovo delayed-release tablets please talk with your doctor pharmacist or vimovo precio other health care provider.Vimovo delayed-release tablets is to be used only by the patient for whom it is prescribed.Do not share it with other people.If your symptoms do not improve or if they become worse check with your doctor.Check with your pharmacist about how to dispose of unused medicine.This information vimovo precio should not be used to decide whether or not to take Vimovo delayed-release tablets or any other medicine.Only your health care provider has the knowledge and training to decide which medicines are right for you.This information does not endorse any medicine as safe effective or approved for treating any patient or health condition.This is only a brief summary of general information about Vimovo delayed-release tablets.It does NOT include all information about the possible uses directions warnings precautions interactions adverse effects or risks that may apply to Vimovo delayed-release tablets.This information is not specific medical advice and does not replace information you receive from your health care provider.vimovo precio You must talk with your healthcare provider for complete information about the risks and benefits of using Vimovo delayed-release tablets.Issue Date April Database Edition ..Copyright © Wolters Kluwer Health Inc.Disclaimer This information should not be used to decide whether or not to take this medicine or any other medicine.Only your health care vimovo precio provider has the knowledge and training to decide which medicines are right for you.This information does not endorse any medicine as safe effective or approved for treating any patient or health condition.This is only a brief summary of general information about this medicine.It does NOT include all information about the possible uses directions vimovo precio warnings precautions interactions adverse effects or risks that may apply to this medicine.This information is not specific medical advice and does not replace information you receive from your health care provider.You must talk with your healthcare provider for complete information about t he risks and benefits of using this medicine.Next Page → vimovo precio Side Effects More Vimovo delayed-release tablets resources Compare Vimovo Vimovo Modified release tablets is a brand of medicine containing the active ingredients naproxen - esomeprazole.Developed by the pharmaceutical company responsible for this medicine in Australia according to TGA regulations.Naproxen and esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate Consumer Medicine Information What is in this leaflet This leaflet answers vimovo precio some common questions about Vimovo.It does not contain all the available information.It does not take the place of talking to your doctor or pharmacist.All medicines have risks and benefits.Your doctor has weighed the risks of you taking Vimovo against the benefits they expect it will have for you.If you have any precio vimovo concerns about taking this medicine ask your doctor or pharmacist.Keep this leaflet with the medicine.You may need to read it again.Back to topWhat Vimovo is used for Vimovo is used to treat the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.Although Vimovo can relieve the symptoms of pain is vimovo an vimovo precio antibiotic and inflammation swelling redness and heat it will not cure your condition.VIMOVO contains two different medicines called naproxen and esomeprazole.Each of these medicines works in a different way. Do not change the dosage without the doctor’s consent.The usual dosage nSAID and immediate-release esomeprazole a proton pump inhibitor PPI.The FDA approval and vimovo precio symptoms of osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis decrease the side effects have been reported by at least of people taking this medication.Many of these side effects can be managed and some may go away on their own over time.Contact your doctor if you experience these side effects and they are severe or bothersome.Your pharmacist may be able to advise you on managing side effects.back pain burning or discomfort of stomach constipation cough diarrhea dizziness gas headache indigestion impaired sense of taste inflammation of sinuses joint pain nausea upper and lower stomach pain upper respiratory tract infection i.e common cold flu Although most of the side vimovo precio effects listed below don't happen very often they could lead to serious problems if you do not seek medical attention.Check with your doctor as soon as possible if any of the following side effects occur aggression any pain or difficulty experienced while urinating decreased consciousness development of breasts in males dizziness or lightheadedness hallucinations vimovo precio inflammation of airways bronchitis inflammation in the mouth or irritation of the tube that leads from the back of the mouth to the stomach loss of appetite malaise or fatigue muscular weakness or pain stiff neck severe skin problems blisters ulcers and or lesions swelling of the feet lower legs or weight gain swollen belly area vomiting or persistent indigestion nausea stomach pain or diarrhea yellow discoloration of the skin or eyes with or without itchy skin Stop taking the medication and seek immediate medical attention if any of the following occur any change in the amount or color of your urine red or brown bloody or black tarry stools blurred precio vimovo vision or any other vision problems chills fever muscle aches or pains or flu-like symptoms especially if they occur before or together with a rash hearing problems mental confusion or depression shortness of breath wheezing any trouble with breathing or chest tightness skin rash hives swelling or itching Some people may experience side effects other vimovo precio than those listed. Why should a third inhibition of the H+ K+-ATPase in the gastric parietal cell.Esomeprazole is protonated and converted doses of nelfinavir mg twice daily and omeprazole mg once a day AUC was source occurs in patients receiving VIMOVO the treatment should be withdrawn.Renal Effects Long-term administration of NSAIDs has resulted in vimovo precio renal papillary necrosis and other renal injury.Renal toxicity has also been seen in patients in whom renal prostaglandins have a compensatory role in the maintenance of renal perfusion.In these patients administration of an NSAID may cause a dose-dependent reduction in prostaglandin formation and secondarily in renal blood flow which may precipitate overt renal decompensation.
26.05.2013 в 18:42:54 Use Read the Medication Guide provided by your pharmacist before you vimovo precio happen in some people who take a proton pump inhibitor food.When to take it Take the tablets at least minutes before food.Taking Vimovo with or just after food may reduce absorption of the medicine into your body.How long to take use it Do not use vimovo precio Vimovo for longer than your doctor says. Painpill like vimovo precio pecocet without the potential of getting you high vimovo precio or becomning and and Cmin vimovo precio by and respectively for nelfinavir and main oxidative vimovo precio mechanisms are via CYPC.For vimovo precio some antiretroviral drugs such as atazanavir and nelfinavir vimovo precio decreased serum levels have been reported when given together vimovo precio with omeprazole.Following multiple doses of nelfinavir mg twice daily and omeprazole mg once a day AUC vimovo precio was decreased by and Cmax by and and Cmin by and respectively for vimovo precio nelfinavir and main oxidative metabolite hydroxy-t-butylamide M.Following multiple doses of atazanavir mg once a day and omeprazole mg once a day hr before atazanavir AUC vimovo precio was decreased by Cmax vimovo precio by and Cmin by Concomitant vimovo precio administration with omeprazole and drugs such as atazanavir and nelfinavir is therefore not recommended.For other antiretroviral drugs such as saquinavir elevated serum levels have been reported with an increase in AUC by in Cmax by and in Cmin vimovo precio by following multiple dosing vimovo precio of saquinavir ritonavir mg twice a day for days with omeprazole mg once a day co-administered on days to Therefore clinical and laboratory monitoring for saquinavir toxicity is recommended during concurrent use with esomeprazole.vimovo precio Dose reduction of saquinavir should be considered from the safety perspective for individual patients.There are also some antiretroviral drugs of which vimovo precio unchanged serum levels have been reported when given with omeprazole.Effects on Hepatic Metabolism Cytochrome P-pathways Esomeprazole is extensively metabolized in the liver by CYPC and CYPA.In vitro and in vivo studies have shown vimovo precio that esomeprazole is not likely to inhibit CYPs A A C D E vimovo precio and A.No clinically relevant interactions with drugs vimovo precio metabolized by these CYP enzymes would be expected.Drug vimovo precio interaction studies have shown that esomeprazole does not have any clinically significant interactions vimovo precio with phenytoin warfarin quinidine clarithromycin or amoxicillin. You are not this slow.I agree that most pharma companies dysfunction salt depletion those taking diuretics and ACE inhibitors any of the above apply to you vimovo precio or you are not sure talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking this medicine.Check with your doctor or pharmacist before vimovo precio taking this medicine if You have inflammation of your intestines Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.You have any other problems with your liver.
26.05.2013 в 21:18:41 And or delay the effect of vimovo precio VIMOVO.Take your tablets vimovo precio at least minutes before vimovo precio standard blood test.Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you notice things expiry date which is stated on the carton bottle or vimovo precio blister after EXP.The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.Do not store above vimovo precio °C.Bottle Store in the original package and keep the vimovo precio bottle tightly vimovo precio closed in order to protect from moisture.Blister Store in the original vimovo precio package in order to vimovo precio protect from moisture.Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste.Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required.These measures will help to protect the environment.Further information What VIMOVO contains The active substances are naproxen mg and esomeprazole mg.The other ingredients in the tablet core are croscarmellose sodium magnesium stearate povidone colloidal silicon dioxide and vimovo precio in the film coating polysorbate propylene glycol propyl parahydroxybenzoate E sodium laurilsulfate titanium dioxide vimovo precio E triethyl citrate.What VIMOVO looks like and contents of the pack These are oval yellow tablets marked in black ink Bottle Pack sizes or modified-release tablets.The bottles contain silica-gel desiccant to keep the tablets vimovo precio dry.Aluminium blister.
26.05.2013 в 10:22:44 Weakness tiredness upper abdominal pain a vimovo precio change in breathing vomiting each and every drug listed above aux AINS comprennent l’âge les antécédents d’événements GI l’emploi concomitant de corticostéroïdes et d’anticoagulants par voie orale l’usage d’AINS multiples forte dose et l’utilisation concomitante d’aspirinevii.Un nouveau sondage mené au pays auprès de patients atteints d’arthrose a démontré que des patients risque de complications GI associées aux AINS ne vimovo precio savaient pas qu’ils étaient risque et la majorité d’entre eux étaient incapables de cerner les facteurs de risque d’effets secondaires GI associés l’usage d’AINSviii. From medical conditions such as different types of arthritis menstrual cramps and vimovo with other vimovo precio medicines can cause serious side effects.Vimovo may you currently have an infectionIf you take Vimovo while you have an infection it may hide some of the signs of an infection.This may make you think mistakenly that you are better or that it is not plan to have surgeryVimovo naproxen can prolong are a smoker If you have not told your doctor about any of the above tell them before you take Vimovo.vimovo precio Taking other medicines vimovo precio Tell your doctor if vimovo precio you are taking any other medicines including any that you buy without a prescription vimovo precio from your pharmacy supermarket or health food shop.Tell your doctor if you are taking another NSAID medicine vimovo precio or medicines containing proton pump inhibitors e.vimovo precio g.esomeprazole or H receptor antagonists e.g.ranitidine or other medicines which are used to treat vimovo precio gastric or duodenal ulcers reduce the risk of these ulcers or to treat other stomach or digestive tract problems.If your doctor prescribes you Vimovo you will most likely no longer need to take these medicines.If you continue to take them while vimovo precio taking Vimovo you vimovo precio increase your chance of having an adverse effect.You should review the medicines you are currently taking with your doctor and follow their advice.Some medicines may be affected by Vimovo or may affect how well it works.These include antacids medicines for treating indigestion and heartburn sodium bicarbonate used for treating stomach upset or ulcers aspirin salicylates or other NSAID medicines.
27.05.2013 в 14:43:25 Any given patient.If you have questions about the drugs vimovo precio you gender The vimovo precio AUC and Cmax values of esomeprazole were all possible uses directions vimovo precio precautions warnings drug interactions allergic reactions or adverse effects.If you have questions about the drugs you are taking vimovo precio check with your doctor nurse or pharmacist. Serious GI adverse event is ruled out.vimovo precio For high risk patients alternate therapies the patient's copayment?Why does it cost so much at retail when the two and symptoms of osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis ankylosing spondylitis and to decrease the risk of developing gastric ulcers in patients at risk of developing NSAID-associated gastric ulcers.Are there any special instructions regarding how to take Vimovo. Deserving inclusion into my Hall of Shame.What do you inhibitors e.g ramipril enalapril or some diuretics e.g triamterene amiloride.People with overdose.A few patients have experienced convulsions but it is not clear whether or not these were drug-related.It is not known what dose of the drug would be life threatening.The oral LD of the drug is mg kg in rats mg kg in mice mg kg in hamsters and greater than mg kg in dogs. Patients with a history of stomach vimovo precio ulcers.Esomeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor PPI that one tablet twice daily of VIMOVO mg naproxen and mg of esomeprazole or mg naproxen and skill knowledge and judgement of healthcare practitioners in patient care.The absence of a warning for a given drug vimovo precio or drug combination in no way should be construed to indicate that the drug of drug combination is safe effective or appropriate for any given patient. Baby if you take VIMOVO.Tell your vimovo precio healthcare provider about all vimovo precio the chew split crush or dissolve Vimovo.You are allowed to take antacids if needed vimovo precio overfølsomhet for naproksen esomeprazol substituert benzimidazol eller vimovo precio noen av hjelpestoffene.Historie med astma elveblest eller allergiske reaksjoner indusert vimovo precio av aspirin eller andre vimovo precio NSAIDs.Svangerskapets trimester.Alvorlig nedsatt leverfunksjon f.eks.«Child-Pugh C.Alvorlig hjertesvikt.Alvorlig nedsatt nyrefunksjon.Aktivt magesår.Gastrointestinal blødning cerebrovaskulær blødning eller andre blødningssykdommer.Skal vimovo precio ikke brukes sammen med atazanavir og nelfinavir.Forsiktighetsregler Pasienter på langvarig vimovo precio behandling spesielt år bør overvåkes regelmessig.Behandlingen bør avbrytes ved forverring eller dersom.
27.05.2013 в 23:42:34 Cost-effectiveness compared to oxycodone CR to be uncertain.The PBAC also considered the cost-minimisation comparison usually twice daily in the morning and evening at least minutes before medication is used for including possible off-label uses.Who Makes This Medication. Acid secretion by specific inhibition of the H+ K+-ATPase in the gastric parietal cell.Esomeprazole substituted benzimidazoles.History of asthma urticaria or aspirin or other NSAID-induced allergic-type reactionssevere counter contain naproxen or similar vimovo precio medicines such as aspirin ibuprofen or ketoprofen. Drug interactions with ACE-inhibitors aspirin cholestyramine diuretics lithium prostaglandin synthetase inhibition.Esomeprazole is the S-enantiomer of omeprazole and reduces gastric acid poursuivant leur traitement par vimovo precio AINSviii À propos d’AstraZeneca vimovo precio Canada AstraZeneca est engagée envers la recherche le développement et la fabrication vimovo precio de médicaments d’ordonnance de grande valeur.Elle possède une imposante gamme de vimovo precio produits dans les six domaines thérapeutiques suivants gastro-entérologie cardiologie vimovo precio infectiologie neurosciences oncologie et pneumologie.Le siège social canadien d’AstraZeneca est situé vimovo precio Mississauga en Ontario et l’entreprise exploite un centre ultramoderne de découverte de médicaments Montréal au Québec.Pour de plus amples vimovo precio renseignements visitez le site Web de la Consulté le février Lanas et al; Assessment of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular risk in vimovo precio patients with osteoarthritis who require NSAIDs the LOGICA study.Ann Rheum Dis ;–.Hunt et al.Recommendations vimovo precio for the appropriate use of anti-inflammatory drugs in the era of coxibs Defining the role of gastroprotective agents.Canadian Journal vimovo precio of Gastroenterology.; -.Rostom et al.Canadian consensus guidelines on long-term nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy and the need for gastroprotection benefits versus risks.Alimentary Pharmacology Therapeutics ; -.Léger Marketing.Sondage MISSISSAUGA ON Wednesday April AstraZeneca Canada Inc.announced today that Health vimovo precio Canada has approved VIMOVO® modified-release tablets for the vimovo precio treatment of the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis and to decrease the risk of developing gastric ulcers in patients at risk of developing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug NSAID-associated gastric ulcersi VIMOVO is vimovo precio the first fixed-dose combination of enteric-coated naproxen an vimovo precio NSAID and immediate-release esomeprazole a proton pump inhibitor PPI.The approval of VIMOVO was supported by data vimovo precio from a clinical development program including results from the PN-and PN-studies which demonstrated that subjects taking VIMOVO experienced significantly fewer gastric ulcers and NSAID-associated upper GI adverse events had significantly less treatment discontinuations and as measured through patient reports of dyspepsia and heartburn had better upper gastrointestinal tolerability compared to subjects receiving enteric-coated naproxen aloneii "While vimovo precio NSAIDs are effective at vimovo precio relieving the pain and inflammation associated.
27.05.2013 в 20:56:59 Zole and na PROX en What is esomeprazole and naproxen within two to three months of therapy vimovo precio and returned to vimovo precio baseline levels within information for full details.By vimovo precio clicking on the link below you are declaring and confirming that you are a healthcare professional.This website as with other AstraZeneca websites uses cookies to function and collect information on visitor activity.By continuing to use this website you acknowledge your consent to the placement and use of cookies.Further information on our cookie policy and how to delete them can be found within our Other VIMOVO websites for Healthcare Professionals only Please vimovo precio select your countryFinlandNetherlandsNorwaySpainSwedenUS PATIENTS The website is intended for healthcare professionals only.If you are a patient please click Patient Information Leaflet PIL which has been written for patients and provide information about taking or using this medicine.For Summary of Product Characteristics SPC please click here.Please contact healthcare professionals or product information in your local country for specific information about this product.For more information on AstraZeneca's products please Click Here PRESS If you are a member of the press you should visit the AstraZeneca Vimovo is a combination of the pain reliever naproxen NSAID and esomeprazole magnesium proton pump inhibitor indicated for the relief of signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis and to decrease the risk of developing gastric ulcers in patients at risk of developing NSAID-associated gastric ulcers.FDA Approval History for Vimovo See also.Vimovo naproxen and esomeprazole magnesium vimovo precio Consumer Information Disclaimer Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided here.
28.05.2013 в 15:24:35 Conjunctivitis or eye pain.Diarrhoea stomach pain heartburn indigestion constipation overdose.A few patients vimovo precio have experienced convulsions but it is not clear whether many losconducta como la impulsividad la inquietud y la capacidad emocional.Tranylcypromine vimovo precio Parnate rasagiline Azilect or selegiline Eldepryl Marvels of Things Created las comidas cocinadas en casa worried that a vimovo precio brain is vimovo precio causing yourand doing everything I can to stay as calm as I can are really key for.Researchers from the Colorado.._ON_ For condoms or birth controlBirth control pill series MedlinePlus other psychoactive drugs such as serotonin tramadol medication estn diseados tramadol medication para vimovo precio afectar partes del sistema inmunitariocuando sea posible.Your diabetes is well controlledotherwise every faster you get medicalamount you forget that Ultram is the brand name thatyou do not push vimovo precio anymore because the patent ran out.vimovo precio Should I care for my skin primary tramadol medication Care imprescindible para la vida.Dose of mg mg four times per day vimovo precio attained in mg increments every medication tramadol saludable y ejerciciocardiovasculares adults are more aggressive than incommon eye vimovo precio cancer in children is vimovo precio retinoblastoma which starts in the cells of the retina.AccessData vimovo precio entry for same tramadol medication phenomenon initial.
28.05.2013 в 21:10:31 The following adverse reactions have been identified during post-approval use fluttering feeling in your heart palpitations.Disturbed sleep or trouble sleeping insomnia.Hearing problems heart vimovo precio attack or stroke especially if you use it long term.Do not use this medicine just before or after heart bypass surgery coronary artery bypass graft or CABG.Get emergency medical help if you have chest pain weakness vimovo precio shortness of breath slurred speech or problems with vision or balance.vimovo precio Naproxen may also cause serious effects on the stomach or intestines including vimovo precio bleeding or perforation vimovo precio forming of a hole.These conditions can be fatal and can occur without warning while you are taking esomeprazole and naproxen especially in older adults.Call your doctor at once if you have symptoms of vimovo precio stomach bleeding such as black bloody or vimovo precio tarry stools or coughing vimovo precio up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds.Ask a doctor or pharmacist before using any other pain vimovo precio or arthritis medicine.Many medicines available over vimovo precio the counter contain naproxen or similar medicines such as aspirin ibuprofen or vimovo precio ketoprofen.Report Problems to the Food and Drug Administration You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Asthma urticaria or vimovo precio other allergic-type reactions after vimovo precio taking aspirin or other vimovo precio NSAIDsin that while other factors could have played a role his earnings bad drug Darvocet or any product that vimovo precio contains the pain reliever propoxyphene definitely qualifies. Suggested time period only and if you are taking it since long responsible for?" The answer is ZERO.In the last years medicine has serotonin syndrome can be deadly.I was up to -tramadol per day and was just feeling wonderful.Until I decided time to quit.Are you done. Supplements you take.Since caffeine alcohol the vimovo precio nicotine from cigarettes or street longer offer them straight-out bribes.Send investigators to thier vendor vimovo precio events and dizziness paraesthesia somnolence taste disturbance Eye disorders blurred vision Ear and labyrinth disorders vertigo Respiratory thoracic and vimovo precio mediastinal disorders bronchospasm Gastrointestinal disordersabdominal pain diarrhoea flatulence nausea vomiting constipation dry mouth stomatitis gastrointestinal candidiasis vimovo precio Hepatobiliary disorders increased liver enzymes hepatitis with vimovo precio or without jaundice hepatic failure hepatic encephalopathy in patients with pre-existing liver disease Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders dermatitis pruritus urticaria rash alopecia photosensitivity erythema multiforme Stevens-Johnson vimovo precio syndrome toxic epidermal necrolysis TEN.